A Vascular Research Group biotechnológiai kutatási és fejlesztési projektekhez keres olyan motivált TDK hallgatókat, akik szeretnének betekintést nyerni az alkalmazott tudományokba.
IPSF EuRO is definitely acting now! That’s why on the 25th of November we will have an opportunity to meet with two amazing young pharmacists and get to know their experiences better. Jelena from Croatia and Hera from the UK will share their knowledge about taking care of a patient with diabetes. We will also talk about their career pathways as young professionals and various fields for self- development.
Rendkívül fontos nekünk a külföldi hallgatótársainkkal való jó kapcsolat fenntartása, ennek keretein belül nagy örömmel fogadtuk idén újra harminc Koppenhágai Egyetemen tanuló gyógyszerészhallgatót Budapesten!
Everything that I applied for came true. I spent one month in a research lab at the Pharmacognosy Department of a North-German university, where I was involved in the work of a PhD student.
I was in Gdansk which is a marvelous city by the Baltic sea. In the pharmacy everyone was very pleasant, and helpful, I learned a lot. The hosting team organized many programmes for us. We visited Gdynia, Sopot, Torun, and we saw the world's biggest brick castle in Malbork.
My internship in Portugal was one of the most amazing three weeks of my life. Even though I have just finished my first year of pharmacy studies, I had the chance to take part in this Student Exchange Programme and learn some skills in a pharmacy in Lisbon.
I spent 4 weeks in South Korea at the Gachon University, in a molecular biology lab. I spent a lot of my free time with the KNAPS members. We tried many new foods together, walked around Seoul, went out, played bowling and drank some local beer. Even though the COVID-19 made a lot of things complicated, the whole month was super eventful. I met so many fascinating people, heard so many interesting stories and learned new perspectives. On the weekends, I also had the chance to see some of the most beautiful places in Korea. It was truly an experience of a lifetime.
I applied for SEP because I wanted to expand my view, to get to know new cultures, especially the differences of pharmaceutical fields and the implementation of healing. I also wanted to bind new friendships and develop my English knowledge. I chose Jordan first, then the Czech Republic, and finally Egypt, but the last one received me finally, enshi’allah!
Elérkezett az idő, hogy megtanuld hogyan tűnj ki a tömegből! Megtudhatod mi kell ahhoz, hogy tiéd legyen a legjobb motivációs levél és önéletrajz, amivel később a legjobb esélyekkel vágsz neki a munkahely vagy gyakorlati hely keresésnek
Fortepan / Nagy Gyula (Kossuth Lajos utca – Károly (Tanács) körút sarok)
Nem árulunk el nagy titkot ha azt mondjuk, hogy a tavalyi mentorprogram sikerén felbuzdulva már nagy erőkkel dolgozunk a következő évi programon 😉👔